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What one of FIFA's most important officials just said about an 'avalanche' of evidence should frighten Sepp Blatter

What one of FIFA's most important officials just said about an 'avalanche' of evidence should frighten Sepp Blatter
Sports2 min read


Former FIFA vice president Jack Warner

Jack Warner, the former vice president of FIFA who has been implicated in the organization's bribery scandal, isn't standing down.

He appeared in a televised address and in front of an audience of supporters in his native Trinidad to slam FIFA President Sepp Blatter, who resigned earlier this week, and defend himself against corruption allegations.

In his seven-minute address, Warner said he was going to reveal what he knows about FIFA officials who have been swept up in the scandal, saying: "Not even death will stop the avalanche that is coming."

Warner said he has documents that prove Blatter, who has not been charged with any crime in connection to the case, was involved in the bribery scheme, The New York Times reports.

He was somewhat vague in his speech about what evidence he has against Blatter, saying he's compiled a "series of documents including checks and corroborated statements." Warner said the documents "deal with my knowledge of financial transactions at FIFA, including, but not limited to its president, Mr Sepp Blatter."

Warner also said that he fears for his life, but that he won't turn back.

"The die is cast," he said. "There can be no turning back. Let the chips fall where they fall."

Here's the speech:

Warner also appeared in front of supporters on Wednesday and repeated his vow to expose what he knows about FIFA's financial dealings.

"I have been there for 30 consecutive years," he said. "I was a heartbeat away from Blatter."

He continued: "Blatter knows why he fell. And if there is one other person who knows, I do."

Warner has not made clear exactly what the documents he has compiled prove.

Warner was arrested last week on charges of bribery and corruption, according to The New York Times. He got out of jail on bail. He and other FIFA officials have been accused of accepting a $10 million bribe from South Africa's government in exchange for their votes on the location of the 2010 World Cup.

Warner is closely aligned with Chuck Blazer, another former FIFA executive who pleaded guilty to charges including racketeering conspiracy, wire-fraud conspiracy, money-laundering conspiracy, income-tax evasion, and failure to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).

Blatter has been president of FIFA since 1998. He stepped down just days after he was reelected to another term.

Several current and former FIFA officials have been charged in connection with the scandal.

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