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A new app could solve the biggest problems with selfies

A new app could solve the biggest problems with selfies
Tech2 min read


Adobe is teasing some new software that could change the way you take selfies.

In a video released April 6, which we first saw on PetaPixel, the company shows off some impressive as-yet-unreleased software features.

The most impressive is something called a perspective adjustment tool. It could solve the biggest problem with selfies: Your wide-angle phone camera sees things very differently from a human eye, and even arm's-length from your face it leaves you looking cartoonish and distorted. (That's a big reason behind Apple's decision to introduce telephoto on the back of the iPhone 7 Plus.)

The perspective tool appears to do a reasonably good job adjusting the apparent angle of the photo.

An important caveat here is that the selfie used in this demo video is of a single person's face, dead center in the frame, in front of a white background. Move him to a side or corner of the frame, or add a second face, and the wide angle distortion becomes more asymmetrical, and presumably harder to clean up.

The video also shows off a portrait masking tool, familiar to desktop Photoshop users, that allows you to selectively edit a photo. So far the only available edit appears to be adding depth of field.

The final feature Adobe shows off is an "apply style" tool that appears to computationally modify one photo to match the look of another.

No word yet on whether these features will come to an existing Adobe app, or a new one. You can watch the video below.

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