Citizens of Adelaide, Australia, have gone crazy for Krispy Kreme donuts.
A week after the much-anticipated donut store opened, police have been called to the location 20 times, MailOnline reports.
One of the more shocking incidents was a knifepoint robbery of two teens as they were loading six boxes of donuts in their car.
The alleged bandit got away with all 72 donuts.
Additionally, the authorities had to break up brawls between hungry customers who had been waiting in line for hours.
But there's a silver lining to getting a ticket - Krispy Kreme general manager Mark Higginbottom said that customers who show their fines will be given a box of free donuts.
A SunriseOn7 correspondent reported, "If you've ever caught a plane to Adelaide from one of those states [New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland], you'll know the overhead lockers are chockers [filled] with Krispy Kremes. We really, really love our donuts."