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Abandoned markets and empty cinemas: 11 photos show how ordinary people are being hit by Trump's sanctions on Iran, which are ramping up again

Abandoned markets and empty cinemas: 11 photos show how ordinary people are being hit by Trump's sanctions on Iran, which are ramping up again
A composite image of an empty cinema in Mashhad, Iran, and an empty carpet bazaar in Tabriz, Iran.

  • President Donald Trump's administration has since last November imposed waves of sanctions on Iran's economy, aimed at crippling its leadership so badly that it acquiesces to US demands.
  • But it's Iranian daily life that's suffering from the economic pressure.
  • Inflation is running high and citizens are so squeezed that they can't afford to go the cinema or buy carpets anymore.
  • Scroll down to see 11 photos that show Iranian daily life being affected by sanctions.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
TABRIZ, Iran - President Donald Trump has insisted that his crippling economic sanctions, ostensibly aimed toward the country's leadership, will help protect and improve the lives of the Iranian people.

They're not working.

Since November 2018 the US has imposed waves of "maximum pressure" sanctions on Iran's leadership - including its Supreme Leader and top Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officials - and has not achieved its goal of checking the regime's nuclear program.

Instead, it's the ordinary Iranians who are suffering from the economic pressure. Inflation is running high and citizens are finding their disposable income so squeezed they can't afford to go to the cinema or buy carpets for their homes anymore.

All those who spoke to Insider said they haven't seen any positive side to the sanctions, but that they are affecting every aspect of their daily lives.

Scroll down to see how US sanctions are impacting Iranians, from local skateboarders to carpet sellers to movie-goers:


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