scorecardAmazon Is Trying To Poach Microsoft's Cloud Employees With Big Ads Right In The Heart Of Microsoft's Campus
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Amazon Is Trying To Poach Microsoft's Cloud Employees With Big Ads Right In The Heart Of Microsoft's Campus

Amazon Is Trying To Poach Microsoft's Cloud Employees With Big Ads Right In The Heart Of Microsoft's Campus
Tech1 min read

Amazon ads at Microsoft bus stop

Business Insider

Amazon is trying to poach Microsoft employees right from Microsoft's campus.

A tipster emailed us the following photos from the Overlake Transit Center, which is the bus stop in the heart of Microsoft's campus that shuttles employees from Seattle to Redmond (and elsewhere). It's also a hub for the campus shuttle.

Typically, Microsoft just buys the ad space and promotes its own stuff, or there is a general ad for whatever. This month, Amazon bought the ad space, and its advertising jobs.

This is an especially ingenious place to advertise job openings because if you're taking the bus from Redmond to Seattle in rush hour you're sitting in traffic. A 15 minute trip can take 45 minutes. If you worked for Amazon, you wouldn't deal with that trip since it's right in Seattle.

Here are the posters:

Amazon ads at Microsoft bus stop

Business Insider

Amazon ads at Microsoft bus stop

Business Insider

Amazon ads at Microsoft bus stop

Business Insider

Amazon ads at Microsoft bus stop

Business Insider

Amazon ads at Microsoft bus stop

Business Insider

Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.

