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Animal rights activists crashed Kim Kardashian's book signing and chanted 'murderer'

Animal rights activists crashed Kim Kardashian's book signing and chanted 'murderer'
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Protestors approached Kardashian with disconcerting posters.

A group of animal rights activists attended Kim Kardashian's book signing in midtown Manhattan yesterday and confronted her with posters of that showed skinned animals while one man called her "the most disgusting human being on this planet."

Animal New York posted a video of the incident on YouTube.

The protestors had been waiting in line to meet Kardashian since 6 a.m., they told Business Insider after crashing the signing. They joined hundreds of others who were waiting for a chance to have their copies of "Selfish," Kim Kardashian's 450-page book of selfies, signed by the star.

The protestors carried a folder in with them and unveiled the posters, which were doctored to show Kardashian smiling in a fur coat while holding up a skinned rabbit, when they got to the table at which Kardashian sat.

In the video, Kardashian is seen reaching for one protester's book in order to sign it.

Then, a protester who later identified himself as Rob Banks to Business Insider says, "I just want to say you're the most disgusting human being on the planet. Shame on you for supporting the fur industry."

kim kardashian book signing animal rights protestors


Protestors yelled at Kardashian.

The other protestors - there were nine or 10 total - then join in, asking Kardashian things like, "Can you make it out for all the animals that have been tortured and killed for you to wear a fur coat?" and "Do you know how many animals are tortured and killed for your jacket?"

Protestors were escorted out of the store by security personnel and Barnes & Noble employees.

While leaving, they chanted "murderer."

When they got out to the sidewalk, they set up a protest and stayed for at least an hour. They chanted things like, "50 dead animals, one fur coat" and "50 animals anally electrocuted, one fur coat."

kim kardashian selfie book signing

Molly Mulshine/Business Insider

The activists stayed outside for a while, at times trading insults with fans who were in line.

We interviewed protestors at the scene

"You can't pass up an opportunity to see her," Rob Banks, one of the activists, said. "We waited until we got up to her, confronted her, told her she should be ashamed of herself. We were escorted out, but we had a pretty big effect."

Banks works 50 hours a week and took time off to see Kardashian and protest, he said.

"I'm a student," another protester, Maca, said. "We're just like these people who are camping out since 12 at night."

The protestors said Kardashian didn't have much of a reaction when they confronted her about her apparent use of fur.

kim kardashian selfie book signing

Getty Images/Michael Loccisano

Kim Kardashian sits at a desk while waiting for fans to come in.

"She didn't really have much to say," activist Jaime Lee said. "She can't say anything to defend herself. She has access to the information."

When asked how the activists know Kardashian is wearing real fur instead of faux fur, Lee said, "We can tell by the pictures."

kim kardashian selfie book signing

Molly Mulshine/Business Insider

Phoebe Crouse followed the protestors out of the store, admonishing them loudly.

Three young women - Phoebe Crouse, Haley Sirisky and Helen Ball - saw the whole thing and were less than amused. In fact, Crouse followed the activists out of the store to yell at them for ruining the signing for her friend, Sirisky, who is a die-hard Kardashian fan.

"I'm not a supporter of buying fur," Ball said, "but that's absolutely in no way how to go about it. They're not inspiring anyone."

"We should have known something was up because the whole time we were in line, they were just talking about being vegans," Crouse mused.

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