scorecardApple Design Guru Jony Ive Is Reportedly Pushing For A Cleaner, Flatter Design To iPhone Software
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Apple Design Guru Jony Ive Is Reportedly Pushing For A Cleaner, Flatter Design To iPhone Software

Apple Design Guru Jony Ive Is Reportedly Pushing For A Cleaner, Flatter Design To iPhone Software
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Jony Ive


Jony Ive

Apple's iOS could be getting a make over under Jony Ive.

Jessica Lessin at the Wall Street Journal reports, "Ive is pushing a more 'flat design' that is starker and simpler." She cites developers who have spoken to people inside Apple.

Last fall Ive was given more control over the look and feel of iOS, Apple's mobile software that powers iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. He previously led only the design of Apple's hardware — iPhones, iMacs, MacBooks, etc.

Ives design is praised for a minimalistic style. Many assumed that style would carry into Apple's software. Apple's software has a lot of shadows and roundness to it right now.

Before you get too excited, Lessin says developers "expect any changes to be pretty conservative." If it ain't all that broke, don't go nuts trying to fix it.

She also says Apple's software and hardware teams are interacting more. In the past a software developer would make a product not knowing what piece of hardware it was for.

Today, software teams are getting an earlier look at prototypes of hardware.

This makes sense since Ive is leading both teams now.

