scorecardAPPLE'S JONY IVE: 'I Would Love, Love, Love, To Show You What We Are Working On Now'
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APPLE'S JONY IVE: 'I Would Love, Love, Love, To Show You What We Are Working On Now'

APPLE'S JONY IVE: 'I Would Love, Love, Love, To Show You What We Are Working On Now'
Tech1 min read

Jony Ive Craig Federighi

REUTERS/Stephen Lam

Apple's iPhone leaders, Jony Ive and Craig Federighi.

Here's something to get people excited.

Apple's design leader Jony Ive hints that he's working on great new products in an interview with USA Today.

"I would love, love, love to show you what we are working on now, but I'd lose my job," says Ive, with "an impish grin" according to USA Today.

He adds, "It feels like each time we are beginning at the beginning, in a really exciting way, and if you could see what I mean it wouldn't just be rhetoric ... It's very easy to make some thing that is new, but it won't be new the day after tomorrow. So we are trying to make things that are better."

What does it mean? It could just be bluster, but if you read the interview (and you most certainly should) it sounds like Apple is on the cusp of delivering some really good stuff.

Check out the full interview at USA Today >

