Henry Blodget

Henry Blodget

CEO & Editor-in-Chief

Latest Stories from Henry Blodget

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1 min read

NATE SILVER: There's still a 15% chance that Donald Trump could be our next president

Using a state-by-state poll average, for example, FiveThirtyEight's Silver estimates that Hillary C…

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4 mins read

Time for a better capitalism

The richest 1%' of Americans now own nearly 45% of all the country's wealth, near the highest level…

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1 min read

Henry Blodget: Introducing the BI 100: The Creators, celebrating a better capitalism

Most celebrations of business success don't acknowledge this. Instead, they judge success by wealth…

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1 min read

THE SCORE: Clinton surges in polls and betting markets after Trump's racist attack on judge

Clinton is also now again widening her lead on various betting and prediction markets. She never co…

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1 min read

THE LATEST SCORE: Trump was surging, but now Clinton's clawing back her lead

Clinton is also now again widening her lead on various betting and prediction markets. She never co…

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3 mins read

Announcing the launch of 'Insider' - because there's more to life than work!

(On a personal note, I should add that this seemingly retro launch has been eagerly anticipated in …

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2 mins read

House prices are creeping toward bubble territory again

The U.S. housing market, although well below 2006 highs, is nonetheless approaching a one and oneha…

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2 mins read

It has not been a good year for global-warming skeptics

Yet, the early months of 2016, still under the influence of what had become one of the most powerfu…

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4 mins read

It's time for Democrats to get more worried about Candidate Trump

2. No one really knows what Trump believes or would do as President, but we do know that he'll say …

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7 mins read

Announcing a boatload of promotions and our new US editorial leadership team

Matt, Mo, Brett, and Sara have a combined decades of business and digital journalism experience at …

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4 mins read

A bucket of cold water for those who are bullish about stocks...

Next, the "Crestmont P/E." This is a price-earnings ratio that is adjusted to account for the busin…

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21 mins read

HILLARY CLINTON RIPS TRUMP: His ideas are not only offensive, 'but dangerous and sometimes even illegal'

That happened before Barack Obama walked in the door. So what he and I did was to say clearly what …

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17 mins read

After a record first full year on the job, Ford CEO Mark Fields doesn't worry about Tesla, Apple, or Trump

We made a very big commitment to Lincoln about three years ago saying we want to turn Lincoln into …

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1 min read

JOSH BARRO: This is the weirdest campaign in my lifetime, and Trump's lousy debate won't hurt him

Trump will win enough delegates to take the nomination this spring, long before the Republican conv…

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4 mins read

One smart stock-market analyst thinks this is where we're headed... (gulp)

But anyone who's feeling comfortable after a strong week in the markets should at least understand …

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5 mins read

Stocks are now down about 15% - how much further could they fall?

For example, the chart below is from expert chartist Doug Short at Advisor Perspectives. The chart …

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1 min read

There's actually a lot of snow in New York!

Of course, the forecasts proved overblown, and we got a pathetic six inches. So New York businesses…

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3 mins read

UPDATE: Serious world leaders and now talking seriously about a 'Trump Administration'

Instead, there is now serious discussion of why Trump is still the GOP frontrunner by a wide margin…

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2 mins read

BILLIONAIRE: Tanking stock prices will scare CEOs, and they'll start firing people

The people who are fired, of course, will have less money to spend. That lack of spending power wil…

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3 mins read

ROUBINI: It's not 2008-yet. But governments need to act fast...

The US is slowing down, especially manufacturing. And the fall of oil prices is a negative, at leas…

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7 mins read

A stock-market crash of 50%+ would not be a surprise - or the worst-case scenario

Just so you know, every time there is a long bull market like the one we've had, people come up wit…

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20 mins read

Jim Cramer tells us about balancing multiple jobs, his bar in Brooklyn, and coming back from the Jon Stewart interview

When you have Marissa Mayer, even though you're total second banana to David Faber, who is amazing,…

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13 mins read

Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam on when we'll get 5G, why our bills are so expensive, and why it bought AOL

Blodget: So let's talk about pricing. I was recently informed that our family bill - we're working …

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18 mins read

CEO Jeff Immelt on transforming GE - reflections on digitizing manufacturing, winning the rat race, and leading an amazing company with 311,000 people

Immelt: I'd say the most interesting thing we're working on right now is quite transformative and t…

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4 mins read

It's time someone reminded you what happens to stocks when the Fed raises rates...

(Why am I not selling? A long story, which I tell in detail here. The short version is that I'm a …