Rachel Gillett
Latest Stories from Rachel Gillett
19 jobs to avoid if you hate people
O*NET rates each occupation on a scale from zero to 100 on how much a job requires workers to be in…
What Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, and 13 other successful people do on weekends
Judging from the ways successful people spend their - at least theoretical - time away from work, t…
One in five mothers say they regret the name they chose for their child - here are the most common reasons
When it comes to important life decisions, everyone has an opinion. Sadly, outside pressure when it…
Teachers share the 12 biggest misconceptions people have about their job
"I don't think people realize how much we have to do from scratch. There is often no existing curri…
The 30 highest-paying jobs you can get without a college degree
According to the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are the 30 highest-payin…
Ivanka Trump offers a surprising counter strategy to a common negotiation tactic
If you're buying a used car, for example, then yes, you want to get the best deal. But in negotiati…
19 questions you should never ask your coworkers, even if you're friends
You may think that you're giving a compliment and asking a innocuous question, but unless your cowo…
Ivanka Trump says this common career advice is an 'obvious' mistake when negotiating
Business Insider recently sat down with Trump, who is also head of the Ivanka Trump lifestyle brand…
What 13 highly successful people read every morning
Here are some resources leaders across industries use to sustain their morning reading habits:So wh…
Ivanka Trump shares the one thing she always does before closing a deal
"A lot of times, people make the mistake of getting so personally invested in culminating a transac…
11 rules for writing the perfect email subject line for job hunting
Career and communication experts offer the following advice that job seekers should bear in mind wh…
Teachers share 19 things they'd love to tell their students but can't
So we asked teachers everywhere to weigh in on the one thing they'd love to tell their students but…
7 ways your dysfunctional relationship is affecting your kid's success
While there isn't a set recipe for ensuring achievement and happiness, psychology research has poin…
10 research-backed ways to beat procrastination for good
But the thing about getting things done? It's hard - especially when whatever you're supposed to be…
Science says parents of successful kids have these 16 things in common
And while there isn't a set recipe for raising successful children, psychology research has pointed…
23 teachers share the weirdest thing they've ever experienced on the job
We asked teachers everywhere to share some of the stranger things they've experienced on the job, a…
15 ways your child's name sets them up for success - or failure
To help you avoid becoming another statistic - and save you a bundle of money - we took a look at t…
19 things teachers say parents should do at home to help their kids succeed
In fact, research from North Carolina State University, Brigham Young University, and the Universit…
14 ways to perform your best in high-pressure situations
In their book, "Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most," He…
14 things successful people do in the first week of a new job
For all those newbs hanging their coats on a new office chair, that means it's time to get to work.…
15 TED talks that offer career advice you've probably never heard before
Thankfully, unconventional thinking is at home on the TED stage, and there are plenty of talks that…
11 ways your marriage could be affecting your kids' success
While there isn't a set recipe for ensuring achievement and happiness, psychology research has poin…
11 ways to pad out your resume without lying
If you're sitting in front of your computer, wracking your brain trying to come up with skills to a…
The perks and perils of working from home, according to people who actually do it
Some executives say encouraging remote work is necessary to keep the best talent around, while othe…
21 highly successful people who prove getting fired doesn't mean your career is over
As Jobs said in a 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University, "What had been the focus of my e…