On the NSE, it jumped 6.79 per cent to Rs 2,890.10. During the day, it surged 7.34 per cent to reach a record high of Rs 2,905.
The company's market capitalisation (mcap) soared to Rs 19,59,444.03 crore. Its market valuation jumped by Rs 1,25,591.68 crore in a single day.
In three days, shares of the country's most valued company by market valuation zoomed 9 per cent.
In volume terms, 8.24 lakh shares of the company were traded on the BSE and over 1.19 crore shares on the NSE during the day.
So far this month, the stock has rallied 12 per cent.
The sharp rally in the heavyweight stock also fuelled a rally in the equity market. The 30-share
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