The din in Indian
In recent years that law has been used by the police to apprehend people for liking “a Facebook post, criticising a yoga guru, cheering a rival cricket team, drawing cartoons, asking a provocative question in a university exam, or not standing up in a cinema when the national anthem is being played,” as reported by the BBC in 2016.
The latest use of the colonial law was the Delhi police that booked
The incident in question occurred three years ago when a bunch of students from JNU were staging a protest against the death penalty handed to
The students in the spotlight today were arrested in 2015, soon after the incident, but the court let them out on bail while the investigation carried on. News reports alleged that charges against Kumar and others were based on a doctored video, a charge that the Delhi police has ruled out with its move today.
The incident shot Kumar—who is aligned with a left-wing outfit-- to fame and gave him political stage to voice his views to a larger audience. He is a staunch critic of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his government and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
The country’s polarized media has positioned itself with or against Kumar based on their ideological positions and the topic is hogging prime-time debates.
The politics aside, the provision to arrest a person for
In 1951, the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru described the law as "highly objectionable and obnoxious". In 1962, the Supreme Court imposed limits on the use of the law, making incitement to violence a necessary condition.
The law itself put to a review as late as last year but the enforcement agencies have been keen time and again to use an archaic law to put down any kind of dissent.
It’s 2019 and no political party in the country has made any real difference by doing away with a law that has repeatedly been used to stifle political opposition, despicably at times.