scorecardDying 23-Year-Old Raised Money To Have Herself Frozen After Death
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Dying 23-Year-Old Raised Money To Have Herself Frozen After Death

Dying 23-Year-Old Raised Money To Have Herself Frozen After Death
Tech1 min read

A 23-year-old woman who recently died from brain cancer might get a second chance at life.

Before Kim Suozzi died this month, she wrote on her blog that her last wish was to be cryogenically preserved, The Huffington Post reports.

"Many of you know that I’m agnostic; I don’t have any clue what happens when you die, but have no reason to think that my consciousness will continue on after death," Suozzi wrote. "The only thing that I can think to make me feel a little more at ease with my death is to secure cryopreservation plans on the off-chance that they figure out how to revive people in the future."

Since the procedure could cost anywhere from $30,000 to $80,000, depending on which organization performed it, she sought out donations from Reddit users.

She ended up raising about $2,100 through Reddit, while the Society for Venturism helped raise $27,000 in about one week's time. The Alcor Life Extension Foundation, which quoted the procedure at $80,000, also set up a page for donations, but did not disclose the amount raised.

According to Alcor, Suozzi raised enough money for her procedure and was transported to its facilities the day she passed away.

