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Edward Snowden's Russian Lawyer: He's Almost Broke

Edward Snowden's Russian Lawyer: He's Almost Broke
DefenseDefense1 min read

Edward Snowden Moscow


A screenshot of Rossia 24 TV channel shows Edward Snowden on a boat trip in Moscow in September.

Ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden has burned through most of his savings and is almost out of money, according to his attorney Anatoly Kucherena.

"The savings he had, he has almost entirely spent on food, rent, security and so on," Kucherena told the Russian newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta, according to UPI.

Snowden, who leaked a treasure trove of secrets detailing spying done by the National Security Agency and partner countries, has been on the run since June 5.

After making it to Moscow, he was granted temporary asylum in Russia for one year in August.

From UPI:

The former National Security Agency contractor now living in Russia after he was granted temporary asylum, reportedly works for a major Russian website and has received financial support and other aid from "some organizations and enterprising citizens" since he left the United States, Kucherena said.

Since his arrival in Moscow, the 30-year-old American has apparently been surrounded by Russian security services and intelligence agents - to include his lawyer, who is employed by the FSB.

WikiLeaks - which has been working closely with him - has claimed they are raising money for his defense through a crowdsourcing campaign and through merchandise sales.

