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Doctor Strange scene was cut from the 'WandaVision' finale so a 'white guy' wouldn't save the day

Jacob Sarkisian   

Doctor Strange scene was cut from the 'WandaVision' finale so a 'white guy' wouldn't save the day
EntertainmentEntertainment2 min read
Doctor Strange almost appeared in "WandaVision."    Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Disney Platform Distribution
  • "WandaVision' was rumored to feature a big cameo in its finale.
  • It turns out, it was originally going to be Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange.
  • But Kevin Feige nixed this to keep the focus on Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda.

When Paul Bettany teased that a massive surprise cameo from someone would happen in the "WandaVision" finale, many fans speculated that it would be Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange appearing Wanda's Westview.

Like so many other fan theories of the show, this never materialized - with Bettany ending up being the cameo maker himself all along. But it turns out that there were actually plans for the Master of the Mystic Arts to be involved in the finale after all.

In an interview for the May 2021 print edition of Rolling Stone, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige confirmed that Cumberbatch was scheduled to pop up as the Sorcerer Supreme in the show's closing episode but that those plans were changed for a very specific reason.

Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen in "WandaVision."      Disney Plus

Feige told Rolling Stone: "Some people might say, 'Oh, it would've been so cool to see Doctor Strange.' But it would have taken away from Wanda."

Feige continued: "We didn't want the end of the show to be commoditized to go to the next movie - here's the white guy, 'Let me show you how power works.'"

Feige said the fake commercial breaks that were shown in each "WandaVision" episode would have been Wanda sending messages to Doctor Strange as he "attempted to break through her sitcom fabrication."

Slash Film also wrote that "Marvel had even finalized a deal with Cumberbatch to appear in the season's final episode." However, this was changed in a late re-write to keep the focus on Wanda and, to a lesser extent, Kathryn Hahn's Agatha.

In the final version of the show, the finale saw Wanda begin to master her own powers as the Scarlet Witch without much explaining from anyone - although Agatha did serve to explain a bit about her powers rather than teach her how to use them. Wanda did, inadvertently, learn a couple of things from Agatha, too, but that was through her own actions.

Agatha Harkness hed
Kathryn Hahn spoke to Insider about the possibility of Mephisto joining the MCU.      Disney Platform Distribution

The show ended with Wanda now officially the Scarlet Witch and in possession of the Darkhold, seemingly teaching herself some pretty serious magic.

Some fans were left disappointed by the absence of Strange as well as other fan-favorite theories that were proven wrong, such as the presence of Mephisto. Many were expecting a more dramatic end to the show with more twists and reveals.

But while Wanda and Doctor Strange didn't get to appear together in "WandaVision," the two will team up in the upcoming "Doctor Strange" sequel "Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness."

Scheduled to be released on March 25, 2022, the movie will focus on Strange and will heavily feature Wanda - although in what capacity, hero or villain, we are not quite sure yet. What we do know is that Elizabeth Olsen shot both "WandaVision" and "In the Multiverse of Madness" back to back, so there will clearly be some overlap between the two mystical projects.

