scorecardThe director of 'Coming 2 America' says he's 'actually happy' the sequel is rated PG-13 despite some fans' disappointment
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The director of 'Coming 2 America' says he's 'actually happy' the sequel is rated PG-13 despite some fans' disappointment

Jason Guerrasio   

The director of 'Coming 2 America' says he's 'actually happy' the sequel is rated PG-13 despite some fans' disappointment
EntertainmentEntertainment4 min read
(L-R) "Coming 2 America" director Craig Brewer and Eddie Murphy.    Invision/AP
  • Brewer said after testing the movie, the jokes that were kept in led to a PG-13 rating.
  • "We did all different kinds of jokes and it landed in a sweet place. I'm actually happy it's PG-13."
  • The director said the best moment on set was when the cameos in the movie were shot.

"Coming to America" is up there as not just one of Eddie Murphy's greatest movies of all time but one of the greatest comedies ever.

In the 1988 film, Murphy plays an African prince who sets out to Queens, New York with his personal aide Semmi (Arsenio Hall) to find a wife.

It was groundbreaking thanks to the mainly Black cast and the fact that Murphy and Hall were turned into several other characters in the movie due to legendary special effects makeup artist Rick Baker. Then there were the countless F-bomb-filled jokes, which exemplified Murphy's raw comedy style at the time.

Thirty-three years later, Prince Akeem returns to Queens to seek out the son he never knew he had.

The unlikely sequel, "Coming 2 America," features many of the actors from the original, including James Earl Jones, Shari Headley and John Amos, but not the adult language, leading the film to getting a PG-13 rating. It's led some fans of the original to scratch their heads.

Insider chatted with the movie's director, Craig Brewer ("Dolemite Is My Name"), to find out why they went tamer with the sequel and how a cameo-filled day of filming turned out to be the most memorable of the shoot.

A still from "Coming 2 America"
A still from "Coming 2 America."      Amazon Prime Video

Brewer said he's actually happy that 'Coming 2 America' is rated PG-13

Jason Guerrasio: Did you always plan for a PG-13 rating? Because the first movie is iconic because of its rawness.

Craig Brewer: My only pushback on that is: what other than the [nude] bathers and the MFers would you say is raw in "Coming to America?"

I guess it's mainly the language.

Eddie and I had a lot of discussions about this because the bathers primarily pushed it into [an] R [rating] and then nowadays you can say the F word only a certain amount of times. But otherwise "Coming to America" occupies a completely different place than any of the other Eddie Murphy movies like "Trading Places" and "48 Hrs."

It's more of a fairy tale. It's not particularly crude or vulgar in any way.

I noticed people on Twitter being like, "Oh my God, this movie's PG-13. What have they done?" The reality is the more we tested it, the jokes that landed were the ones that stayed there and it came out PG-13. We weren't given [instructions that] "it better be PG-13." We did all different kinds of jokes and it landed in a sweet place. I'm actually happy it's PG-13.

This is your second movie working with Eddie following Netflix's "Dolemite Is My Name." Why has the collaboration worked?

I really love working with actors, and what I mean by that is I respect their ideas and I want to make my sets... comfortable for everybody to be who they are.

Directing is like wrangling. You've got these artists and they can go in so many different directions - some are better after lunch, some are better before lunch - so my job is to encourage everyone to come in at their own rhythm and ideas.

It's just a good place where we trust each other.

A still from "Coming to America"
Eddie Murphy (top) and a then-unknown Cuba Gooding Jr. in "Coming to America."      Paramount Pictures

Brewer said he's reached out to 'Coming to America' director to see if he wanted to see the sequel, but hasn't heard back from him yet

Have you ever reached out to John Landis, the director of "Coming to America" and "Trading Places," to talk about how best to work with Eddie or just how to take on "Coming to America?"

I didn't, but I met John Landis for the first time at a memorial service for [director] John Singleton and I told him I was doing "Coming to America" and he seemed excited in that. But I never got in touch with him during production.

I have recently reached out to him just to see if he would like to see the movie.

Do you know if he's seen "Coming 2 America" yet?

I'm waiting to find out if he's seen it. But his movies are so important: "Blues Brothers," "Trading Places," "Coming to America," the "Thriller" music video. He has a way of doing comedy and action and music all in his movies where it's a particular style. I recently realized I owe a lot more to the films of John Landis.

You have some amazing cameos in one particular scene in "Coming 2 America." I won't spoil any, but was it a challenge to pull that off?

It really wasn't. It all happened within two days so nobody really wanted to leave the soundstage on those days. And we were at the Tyler Perry Studios.

One of those days, I'll will never forget this, we had all these amazing cameos and plus Eddie, Arsenio, and Tracy Morgan and Wesley Snipes, who also star in "Coming 2 America." Then Will Smith and Martin Lawrence were filming "Bad Boys for Life" at the studio next door.

It was one of the greatest days of my life being involved in all that and everyone just wanted to be there. They all loved "Coming to America" and they all wanted to be in a movie with Eddie.

"Coming 2 America," also starring Leslie Jones, KiKi Layne and Garcelle Beauvais, premieres on Amazon Prime Friday.

