scorecardEverything you need to know but were too afraid to ask about the biggest machine on Earth - the newly revamped and restarted Large Hadron Collider
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Everything you need to know but were too afraid to ask about the biggest machine on Earth - the newly revamped and restarted Large Hadron Collider

Everything you need to know but were too afraid to ask about the biggest machine on Earth - the newly revamped and restarted Large Hadron Collider
Tech1 min read


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest machine ever built, restarted on April 5, and it's powering up to uncover some potentially game-changing discoveries in physics.

The LHC brought us the Higgs boson during its first run in 2012, and now in it's new and improved state, physicists think it has the potential to uncover even more exciting particles.

Physicists first proposed the idea for the LHC in the 1980s and construction was finally completed in 2008 at CERN - the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland. It's one of several particle accelerators at CERN, but it stole the limelight with its discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 and the documentary "Particle Fever" that detailed the discovery. Now it's second run has again captured world wide attention.

But what does this $10 billion machine do? And what does it actually look like on the inside?

