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Ex-Trump campaign manager says hiring of Breitbart chairman shows Trump wants to 'win at all costs'

Ex-Trump campaign manager says hiring of Breitbart chairman shows Trump wants to 'win at all costs'
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

Former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said on CNN Wednesday that appointing Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon as campaign CEO was an indication of how serious the Republican nominee was about winning.

When Lewandowski was asked whether he was surprised that Trump brought Bannon on as CEO, he replied, "I think what you have is you have a candidate who wants to win."

"This is a clear indication of that," Lewandowski said. "You know, if you look at Steven Bannon and what they've built at Breitbart, it's win-at-all costs. And I think that really makes some people on the left very afraid because they're willing to say and do things that others in the mainstream media wouldn't do."

Lewandowski, who was fired as campaign manager earlier this year, said the campaign "wants to prove to the Clinton people that they're going to take this fight directly to her."

Kellyanne Conway, who joined the campaign in July, was promoted to campaign manager. The shakeup was announced Wednesday, and it's expected to leave Paul Manafort, the campaign chairman, with a less-influential role.

Trump's campaign has been in trouble lately as the candidate has consistently failed to beat Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in the polls.

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