scorecardFacebook, IBM, and 5 other big-name tech companies based in small-town America
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Facebook, IBM, and 5 other big-name tech companies based in small-town America

Facebook, IBM, and 5 other big-name tech companies based in small-town America
StrategyStrategy1 min read

Anthony Quintano/Flickr

Facebook is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.

San Francisco and Palo Alto may be major tech hubs, but they're not the only places big-name tech companies call home.

Some tech companies, in fact, are located a bit off the beaten path in areas with relatively small populations.

Business Insider recently scoured the Fortune 500 list to find such companies.

To compile our list, we skipped right over any tech companies headquartered in the biggest US cities. From there, we ordered each company's location based on population size, using information from City Data.

As it turns out, there are a solid number of tech companies that aren't based in the biggest US cities. The companies on this list are all based in locations with populations under 50,000, as of 2014.

Here are seven tech companies that are based in small-town America:

