scorecard'Fuller House' is returning to Netflix in December - here's the first trailer for season 2
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'Fuller House' is returning to Netflix in December - here's the first trailer for season 2

'Fuller House' is returning to Netflix in December - here's the first trailer for season 2
Alleyinsider1 min read


The Tanners and Gibblers are back! Netflix released the first trailer for the second season of "Fuller House" Tuesday morning and it's complete with more of D.J., Stephanie, and Kimmy as the three try to raise D.J.'s three boys and Kimmy's teenage daughter all while navigating love.

It looks like we'll also be introduced to Kimmy's younger brother Jimmy who seems to hit it off with Stephanie and and even Bob Saget himself will make at least a cameo appearance as Danny Tanner.

bob saget fuller house season 2


"Fuller House" will return to Netflix December 9.

Check out the trailer below:

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