scorecardGroupon Is Trolling Americans With This Deal Saluting 'President Alexander Hamilton'
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Groupon Is Trolling Americans With This Deal Saluting 'President Alexander Hamilton'

Groupon Is Trolling Americans With This Deal Saluting 'President Alexander Hamilton'
Retail1 min read

Alexander Hamilton on $10 billGroupon offered a discount Friday saluting "President Alexander Hamilton" - who, as we should all know, was not a U.S. president.

"Starting tomorrow, Groupon will be kicking off Presidents Day weekend by giving customers 10 dollars off 40 dollars when they purchase a deal for any local business," the release reads. "The $10 bill, as everyone knows, features President Alexander Hamilton - undeniably one of our greatest presidents and most widely recognized for establishing the country's financial system."

It sounds like the release might be a marketing ploy designed to make its discount deal go viral.

We asked Erin Yeager, the author of the release, whether Groupon would be issuing a correction to the release or if it was a joke.

She responded: "You can't rewrite history."

