scorecard<b>GTA 5 Sales Rocket – Breaks Many Records</b>
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GTA 5 Sales Rocket – Breaks Many Records

<b>GTA 5 Sales Rocket – Breaks Many Records</b>
Retail1 min read

The Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series is the iPhone of the video game world. And Rockstar Games should be super proud of the achievements of this superb game. GTA 5 is selling like hot cakes all over the world and smashing records held by all other video games at breakneck speed. It has been one of the most anticipated video games since its game play and world trailers were showcased months ago.

Going by numbers, more than 3.5 million pre-ordered copies of GTA 5 have been sold in the US alone. Rockstar has announced it has already made over $1 billion in sales and doubling it up rapidly. In fact, it is the biggest and the fastest selling title under the GTA series. This game has sold over 2,50,000 copies more than the previous record holder (Call of Duty: Black Ops) and millions of copies were purchased all over the world in its first week of sale. Even as we write, the numbers are soaring further. Indian gamers have taken to the game well and hundreds of copies were sold on the first day.

The game has become a huge hit overnight and is one of the most searched titles currently on the torrent network. This game has also managed to procure about 65 million pounds just from the UK sales. Interestingly, two more major game titles are coming this fall – these are Fifa 14 and Call of Duty: Ghosts. With GTA 5 taking most of the limelight, let us see how well these two are received in their opening week.

