scorecard'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' director slams people trying to divulge spoilers
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'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' director slams people trying to divulge spoilers

'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' director slams people trying to divulge spoilers
EntertainmentEntertainment2 min read


Chris Pratt as Peter Quill in "Guardians of the Galaxy."

Earlier today Heroic Hollywood posted a video in which its founder Umberto Gonzales (who is notorious for scoring scoops in the fanboy world - he was the first to report "Jurassic World" director Colin Trevorrow would helm "Star Wars: Episode IX") seemed to break some huge "Guardians of the Galaxy" news. Gonzales claimed to reveal the identity of Peter Quill's father, a question raised in "Guardians" that could be a major plot point in the sequel, "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2."

That has now been countered by a Facebook post by the franchise's director James Gunn.

"The rumors surrounding Quill's parentage at the present moment are completely false, and aren't even close to the truth," Gunn wrote.

Gunn also said in the post that he's going to "stop commenting on any rumors surrounding Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" until the movie opens in May 2017.

In the past, Gunn has taken to social media to debunk rumors that hit the internet. But it looks like this is the last straw.

"I got in this business because I love movies, and I think most film journalists are the same way. And spoiling plot details doesn't add to the enjoyment of the film-going experience," Gunn wrote.

Read his complete post below.


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