scorecardHere Are All The Charts Behind Jeff Gundlach's 2015 Outlook
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Here Are All The Charts Behind Jeff Gundlach's 2015 Outlook

Here Are All The Charts Behind Jeff Gundlach's 2015 Outlook
Wealth Advisor1 min read

DoubleLine Funds

DoubleLine Funds' Jeff Gundlach just wrapped up a big webcast giving his outlook for what 2015 has in store for investors.

Gundlach, of course, addressed oil ("It won't stop going down"), the decline in Treasury yields seen at the start of this year, and what 2015 might hold for the Federal Reserve.

The bear case for stocks is wrapped up in three succinct slides, and noted that denominated in currencies other than the US dollar, gold actually had a decent year.

Thanks to DoubleLine Funds for letting us run Gundlach's latest presentation.

