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Here Are Seven Awesome Apps To Help You Handle This Horrible Weather

Here Are Seven Awesome Apps To Help You Handle This Horrible Weather
Tech3 min read
A driver works to dig a car out of the snow during a winter nor'easter snow storm in Boston.    REUTERS/Brian Snyder

This winter has been terrible. We seem to have a snowstorm every few days. The first full week of February had two blizzards back to back that dropped a colossal combination of snow and ice making the daily commute a nightmare.

Despite Mother Nature hammering us with an endless winter wonderland, here are seven awesome apps that can help you handle this horrible weather.

Weather Channel

weather channel android app


The Weather Channel app is perfect for people who have to suffer through a long commute to work.

One of feature of the app is called Travel Watch which lets you save your favorite travel routes to work and help you figure out the best way to avoid traffic in the middle of a storm.

Also, severe weather alerts regarding tornado's or flooding will be sent to your phone which can help you quickly seek shelter if you end up stuck outside.

By clicking the refresh button, The Weather Channel's application will continuously give you updates to the current weather every 15 minutes.

Download the app for iPhone and Android.

Dark Sky

Dark Sky morphs a smartphone into a miniature weather station.

Dark Sky

Dark Sky

Swipe back and forth to view gorgeous weather maps to find out how an incoming storm has evolved over the past few hours and if it Will affect your commute in the next few hours.

Forecasts are broken down into detail telling you exactly what's happening where you're located. Current conditions like wind speed, humidity, and visibility are sent straight to your phone.

Its available to download for $3.99 on the iPhone.


While this isn't an app, its still a very helpful weather service for New York residents only.



Most weather reports can be overly complicated. That's not Poncho.Once you sign up for it, Poncho will send personalized weather reports delivered by email or text.

Bring an umbrella or wear an extra sweater could be the basic weather warnings that arrive in your inbox or on your phone.

Here's where you can sign up.

Yahoo Weather

Yahoo Weather


Yahoo has a bevy of wonderful weather apps that can be more helpful than the built in programs found on most smartphones already.

Yahoo Weather is at the top of the charts since it posts high-resolution Flickr photos that match your location with immediate forecasts.

The app comes equipped with interactive radar, heat, and wind maps.

Swipe vertically to get more detailed information on weather reports or swipe horizontally to set favorite locations.

Download the app for iPhone and Android.

Perfect Weather

Perfect Weather is a more informative app than most of its brethren since it harnesses data from weather satellites to provide a vivid forecast of any location.

Perfect Weather


Frequent travelers can add numerous locales to view 7 day forecasts, weather maps, and more.

By tapping once on the lightning bolt icon on the left, users will quickly be able to see any severe weather alerts and then share them with others on Facebook or Twitter.

The app gives you a quick look at the most important stuff you need to see.

It costs $2.99 to download it for the iPhone


Instead of displaying the weather in a traditional format, Solar requires you to do a few simple gestures to view various aspects of the upcoming forecast.

Swipe up to see the 24 hour forecast, swipe down to see the weather for the next three days, and then swipe left to right to discover the weather conditions in different areas of the country.

Also, the app produces radiant colors that match the current conditions outside.

For example, blazing reds will appear if the temperature hits 95 degrees or more a mix of oranges and blues will be displayed as the sun begins to set.

Download Solar for iPhone and Android.


Sun is another app that relies on a few basic gestures to see the weather. Pinch your fingers apart to see the forecast for the week or pinch your fingers together to alter the app's settings.

sun app main

The application presents the current temperatures of your location as well as a small icon indicating if its going to rain in the next few hours. That's it.

Since Sun is a web app, you must open up the developer's website on the mobile version of Safari and then install it to your device by saving it on your home screen.

Despite the fact that the app requires a complicated download process, its still a simple and helpful way to check the weather.

Here's the main website for Sun.

