scorecard'I hope that doesn't make us all racist': Lindsey Graham accuses NAACP of anti-Republican bias
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'I hope that doesn't make us all racist': Lindsey Graham accuses NAACP of anti-Republican bias

'I hope that doesn't make us all racist': Lindsey Graham accuses NAACP of anti-Republican bias
PoliticsPolitics2 min read


South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Sen. Lindsey Graham accused the NAACP of having an anti-Republican bias during a testy exchange with the leader of the civil-rights group on Wednesday.

Cornell Brooks, NAACP president and CEO, was testifying in opposition to President-elect Donald Trump's choice of Jeff Sessions for attorney general. Brooks cited Sessions' low score on the NAACP's legislative report card, which tracks how lawmakers vote with respect to key civil rights issues.

That led to the confrontation with Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, who argued the NAACP's metric favors Democrats over Republicans.

"Would you say that there seems to be a difference in terms of the parties and how well they do in the NAACP's legislative agenda?" Graham said. The senator noted that among the 20 members of the Senate judiciary committee, the 11 Republicans all received failing scores from the NAACP, while the nine Democrats received perfect or near-perfect marks.

"The report cards are based on legislation, not party affiliation," Brooks responded, leading Graham to cut him off.

graham brooks


NAACP President and CEO Cornell Brooks.

"Isn't it kind of odd that one party gets 100% and nobody else does very well on our side?" Graham said. "I think it's really odd. I think it - well, it speaks for itself." 

Graham later fired back as Brooks maintained the NAACP scores were based on voting record, not party.

"It means that you're picking things that conservative Republicans don't agree with you on, and liberal Democrats do," Graham said. "I hope that doesn't make us all racist and all of them perfect on the issue."

"I think the report card says volumes about how you view Republican conservatives," Graham continued. "Maybe we're all wrong and maybe you're all right. I doubt if it's that way."

Watch video of the exchange below:

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