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IGNITION 2016: Teens know what the future holds for the world of social media

IGNITION 2016: Teens know what the future holds for the world of social media
EntertainmentEntertainment2 min read

Tech Insider/Youtube

Teens at IGNITION 2015

When it comes to seeing the future of social media, you don't need a crystal ball. You just need a group of candid young people.

Last year's IGNITION panel of teen experts proved to be just that. The group revealed their social media preferences in an enlightening discussion led by Stephanie Retblatt, Chief Brainiac at market research firm Smarty Pants.

Retblatt and this fun, informative panel will return to Business Insider's IGNITION conference for the fourth year in a row. Don't miss your chance to get a glimpse of the future this December.

For example, as more people join established platforms like Facebook, teens will start to favor newer platforms like Instagram. One of last year's panelists revealed that she actually only joined the social media giant because her grandmother had set up a profile.

Social media isn't just about connecting with friends and posting fun content. It's also about staying informed during breaking news situations.

The IGNITION 2015 panelists revealed that they used social media to keep abreast of current events, like last year's Paris attacks. Rather than relying on news outlets for coverage, they utilized a combination of social media updates, alerts from news sites, and articles on Google News. As one of the panelists aptly put it, social media is the next generation's newspaper.

So, Facebook's for old people and kids get their news from hashtags. But what does the next generation really think about how social media will continue to grow? What are their latest preferences in terms of receiving information and connecting with others? How will consumer trends - especially among young people - continue to shape the internet and our world?

You'll have to tune into the next "teen panel" at IGNITION 2016 to find out the answers!

Act now - early-bird tickets are available for a limited time!


