scorecardWith 108 new cases, coronavirus tally rises to 1,005 in Rajasthan
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With 108 new cases, coronavirus tally rises to 1,005 in Rajasthan

With 108 new cases, coronavirus tally rises to 1,005 in Rajasthan
IndiaIndia1 min read
Jaipur, Apr 14 () Coronavirus cases in Rajasthan breached the 1,000-mark with 108 more people testing positive for the infection on Tuesday, pushing the state count to 1,005, an official said.

The virus has so far claimed 11 lives in the state.

Additional Chief Secretary Rohit Kumar Singh said of the 108 cases reported on Tuesday, 83 were detected in Jaipur, the worst-hit district in the state with 453 COVID-19 patients.

Thirteen cases surfaced in Jodhpur, eight in Kota, two in Jhalawar and one each in Jaisalmer and Jhunjhunu, he added.

The Rajasthan tally includes two Italian citizens and 54 people brought from Iran to Army health centres in Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. AG RDKRDK
