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Know how you can deal with your mid career crisis!

Know how you can deal with your mid career crisis!<b></b>
Strategy2 min read

A job is like marriage. The initial days and may be years may be exciting and fun but soon, the magic starts to wear off! Life becomes boring and mundane and you just want to break free. You dread going to your second home—office and that is probably when you are hit with the realization that you are going through a mid-life crisis at work!

“When we think of our corporate career life cycle, we can divide it into five stages. The third stage is when we pass through our mid-career. I would define mid-career as a stage when a person has spent between eight and eighteen years in the corporate world. It is a point of inflection and a stage of transition. And like any transition, there is confusion in the mind about how to navigate to the next stage,” says Partha Sarathi Basu, a FMCG veteran who has held crucial positions in companies such as Coca-Cola, Whirlpool, IFB Group, Tata Group and Spicejet. He has recently authored a book, Mid Career Crisis (MCC), that focuses on mid-life crisis at work.

BI India lists down some very simple tips to deal with the big MCC!

Take a break

No, we aren’t asking you to quit your job and take a sabbatical. Remember, you are at such a level where you would be having financial and other personal obligations and hence, quitting your job may not be the best idea. Instead, we are asking you to take at least a few days off from office. Switch off the mobile and disconnect with your corporate world to reconnect with nature. This will not only help you rejuvenate but will also help you sort out things mentally.

Bid adieu to your comfort zone

When work becomes mundane and monotonous, understand that you have been in a comfort zone for too long. While it may feel safe doing the same job, it is equally important to break free from playing safe all the time. Expand your horizons, talk to your seniors about what you feel and what you feel you want to do.

Figure out what you really want to do

We mean that you may be a part of the corporate churn but do you really want to continue there? Are there other aspirations that you probably have forgotten in your bid to be successful in the rat race? Think of them and try to understand if you want to pursue them. But before you venture out into unknown terrains, it would be advisable that you make are prepared well for the risks as well.

Pursue your hobbies

Often, a lot of people tend to let go of their hobbies in a bid to pay more attention to their career. This is probably the time to get back and pursue them. If you like spirituality, join a spiritual group or if you have always enjoyed crafting, you should think about learning it professionally. Pursuing your hobbies are a great way to relax your mind and they also help you learn something new.

Stay positive

As cliché it may sound, a professional going through MCC must remember that the phase is temporary and will not last long. Having an optimistic attitude will help you sail through many challenges of life including the mid career crisis.

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