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LIVE: Hillary Clinton talks about her emails

LIVE: Hillary Clinton talks about her emails
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

AP/Carolyn Kaster

Hillary Clinton.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is about to give the first press conference of her still unannounced 2016 campaign for the White House. 

And it's coming in the middle of an email controversy engulfing the press.

Last Monday, the New York Times revealed that Clinton exclusively used personal emails while she served as secretary of state. According to the Times, this may have violated federal guidelines and could have left crucial information vulnerable to hackers. 

Clinton briefly addressed the controversy in a single tweet last week, but has otherwise not spoken out. Her Tuesday press conference is at the United Nations, where she just gave a speech on women's rights.

Business Insider will be covering with live updates below.

(2:58 p.m.): Clinton began the press conference by thanking the UN for its work on women's issues. "There has never been a better time in history to be born female," she said.

(3:01 p.m.): Clinton moved onto another topic: the letter Republican senators recently sent to Iran's leaders. "We must all must judge any final agreement on its merits, but the recent letter from Republican senators was out of step with the best traditions of American leadership. And one has to ask, what was the purpose of this letter?" she asked. 

(3:03 p.m.): Clinton finally addressed the email controversy. She said she will take a "few questions" after her remarks.

"When I got to work as secretary of state, I opted for convenience to use my personal email account, which was allowed by the State Department," she said.

However, "looking back," Clinton admitted she should have used an official email account. 

"It would have been better if I simply used a second email account," she said. 

Watch the press conference:

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