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Look at these satellite images and you'll know that 'China has every intention of militarizing the Spratly Islands'

Look at these satellite images and you'll know that 'China has every intention of militarizing the Spratly Islands'
DefenseDefense1 min read
Mischief Reef tho.    CSIS/AMTI/Digital Globe

Upon further review, Chinese construction in the resource-rich waters of the South China Sea isn't quite over.

Nearly a month after the Hague-based court invalidated Beijing's vast territorial claims new satellite images published by the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI), a unit of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, shows significant preparations are underway for Chinese military aircraft.

"China is building hangar space for 24 fighter jets and 3-4 larger military planes at each of its three largest artificial islands," Gregory Poling, director of AMTI told Business Insider.

"The number, size, and construction make it clear these are for military purposes - and they are the smoking gun that shows China has every intention of militarizing the Spratly Islands."

All the while, Beijing maintains the July 12 ruling has no bearing on its territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Here's a look at the rapid construction on Mischief Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, and Subi Reef.

All photos republished with permission from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Head over to Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative to view more satellite imagery »

