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Millennials are more than happy to trade privacy for security

Millennials are more than happy to trade privacy for security
Finance1 min read

REUTERS/Mal Langsdon

A lock icon, signifying an encrypted Internet connection, is seen on an Internet Explorer browser in a photo illustration in Paris April 15, 2014.

So, how much do millennials really care about protecting their privacy online?

The Pew Research Center found that millennials are the age group most likely to be against the NSA surveillance policies. Pew also found that 71% of that same age group adjust their privacy settings to make sure that only certain people can and can't view their information online.

A new report from Goldman Sachs on millennials preferences, however, found that an overwhelming majority are willing to give up privacy and deal with annoyances in exchange for security.

This backs up a study by the American Press Institute, that found only 20% of millennials worry all of the time or most of the time about their privacy online According to the same study, only 30% are concerned about big companies selling their information while more than half are worried about their identity being stolen.

So given the option between safety and privacy online, millennials prefer giving up information to feel more protected.

Millennials Privacy

Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

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