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Modi and Xi talk about greater Hindi-Chini ties

Modi and Xi talk about greater
Hindi-Chini ties
PoliticsPolitics1 min read
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived in Xi’an for three-day China visit, met Chinese President Xi Jinping, who broke the protocol to meet the Indian premier.

It was an unusual departure from the protocol as top Chinese leaders almost never go outside Beijing to meet guests on bilateral tours. As per experts, this was a sign of warming relations between the leaders of the South-Asian giants as Xi would be accompanying the Indian premier throughout his stay in Xi’an.

This is Modi’s first tour to China since he was elected in May this year.

Modi and Xi are expected to address a slew of issues when they sit down for delegation-level talks, including the border issue that has been a bone of contention between the two nations and China's plans for infrastructure projects in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

As per sources, China' stapled visas for people of Arunachal Pradesh will also be raised.

China claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of southern Tibet, a stand firmly refuted by India.

During his visit, Modi will also push for his 'Make in India' campaign, as he plans to turn India into a manufacturing hub.

Earlier in the day, Modi visited the much famed Terracotta Army museum, which houses a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China.

He also paid a visit to Daxingshan Temple and saw translations of Buddhist sutras, which were brought by a monk to Xian from India thousands of years ago.

Later in the evening, a banquet will be hosted by President Xi for Modi, before he flies to Beijing, where he will meet his Chinese counterpart Li Keqian.

China's Ambassador to India, Le Yucheng, told a news channel that deals worth $10 billion were also expected to be signed during Indian PM's visit.

When Xi had visited India last year in September, China had announced $20 billion in investments over five years, including setting up of two industrial parks.

(Image: Reuters)

