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New EU Ukraine sanctions list includes the 'death battalion' and Russian ministers

New EU Ukraine sanctions list includes the 'death battalion' and Russian ministers
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

A local resident reacts as a firefighter extinguishes a building after shelling in Artemivsk, eastern Ukraine February 14, 2015.

The European Union added two deputy Russian ministers, along with a host of senior members of the administrations in the breakaway regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, to its latest round of sanctions over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

Russia's deputy minister of defence Anatoly Antonov and first deputy minister of defence Arkady Bakhin, alongside the head of the Moscow branch of the Communist Party Valery Rashkin and State Duma deputy Iosif Kobzon find themselves added to the sanctions 'black list' for their alleged role in "supporting the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine".

In total, the EU is now targeting 151 individuals and 37 entities with sanctions.

The move comes just over 24 hours since a new ceasefire agreement came into effect in the country. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko ordered his troops to stop firing at 10pm on Saturday local time. However, there have been widespread reports that fighting continued between government forces and pro-Moscow rebels around the railway town of Debaltseve.

Even as the deal was being signed, Kiev reported that 50 tanks and 40 missile systems were spotted crossing the border into Ukraine from Russia, in what many saw as an effort to shore up the rebel position in disputed areas before the ceasefire came into force.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has already hit out against the new measures accusing the EU of "stamping out of inertia", according to independent Russian news agency Interfax. The news service quotes a ministry source as saying:

It all looks strange, like some sort of déjà vu. The new sanctions look like [the EU] stamping out of inertia. The timing looks especially unusual after the major advances made in Minsk. What can we infer from this? What is the message it sends across?

Also on the list are a number of prominent militia groups that are accused of supporting actions that threaten Ukraine's territorial integrity. These include the Cossack National Guard, the Sparta battalion, the Somali battalion and the colourfully named ???????? '??????' - Death battalion.

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