scorecardOne-Half Of Twitter's Active Users Tweet Monthly
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One-Half Of Twitter's Active Users Tweet Monthly

One-Half Of Twitter's Active Users Tweet Monthly
Tech2 min read

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Twitter doesn't release detailed statistics about its usage, but it does permit third-party companies to tap into its API so they can conduct their own data mining. One such company, PeerReach, released some fascinating stats about Twitter usage for the month of October:

  • 904 million registered accounts
  • 232 million monthly active users
  • 117 million monthly active tweeting users
  • 45 million daily active tweeting users

What's more PeerReach found that Twitter has more users in Indonesia than in the UK. You can learn more about the demographics and location of Twitter users in BI Intelligence reports, here and here.

In Other News ...

Executies from Facebook, Hootsuite, Wildfire by Google, and Fairhaven Capital gathered in New York last week to defend the performance of social media advertising. "Most CMOs that we talk to are actually seeing the ROI," said Dhiraj Kumar, who is the head of performance solutions at Facebook. He went on to say that there is a lot of misunderstanding about how to measure social ROI, but that brands with access to sophisticated measurement technology are seeing the results. (Mobile Marketer)

In honor of Twitter becoming a publicly-owned company, Ad Age dug up the first tweets from major brands, such as Coca-Cola, Xbox, ESPN, and Nike. (Ad Age)

Home Depot fired its social media marketing agency, after the company tweeted out a message and accompanying photo that many interpreted as being racist. (Business Insider)

Mike Isaac of All Things D says Twitter has a "product problem," in which any changes to the company's core product can take up to months. This type of culture contrasts Facebook's, where engineers work by the motto "move fast and break things." (All Things D)

YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim is frustrated that the popular video platform now requires its users to login to Google+ to comment. (The Next Web)

