scorecardPeople are using this insulting hashtag to discuss tonight's 7-way leaders' election debate
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People are using this insulting hashtag to discuss tonight's 7-way leaders' election debate

People are using this insulting hashtag to discuss tonight's 7-way leaders' election debate
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

ITV would very much like it if viewers used its "#leadersdebate" Twitter hashtag when talking about tonight's unprecedented seven-way live debate between the UK's party leaders.

Unfortunately, a lot of people are tweeting under the #massdebate hashtag instead.

They seem to believe that the debate will be a rather sprawling affair, with the leaders of the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, UKIP, Greens, the SNP and Plaid Cymru all going head-to-head over two hours. They will each take turns giving opening statements before facing four questions from the studio audience and finally giving closing statements.

Below is the official grid for this evening (yep, clear as mud):

And in keeping with tradition, the great British public has taken to social media to express its deference to the candidates and excitement over the prospect of hearing them discuss their policies ahead of May's General Election.

Here are a selection of the best:

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