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People Magazine Just Shot Down The Latest Rumor About Hillary's Health

People Magazine Just Shot Down The Latest Rumor About Hillary's Health
PoliticsPolitics1 min read


People Magazine provided photographic evidence proving Hillary Clinton was not using a walker during a photoshoot for the cover of the publication's upcoming issue. The theory Clinton was holding a walker in the picture was first floated by conservative blogger Matt Drudge after the cover photo excerpts of the People article on Clinton were published online Wednesday.

"Secretary Clinton is standing next to a patio chair in the backyard of her home where the photo shoot took place! I have also attached another photo from the shoot - thanks for checking in on this," Nancy Valentino, a senior vice president of communications at Time Inc., which owns People, wrote to Business Insider in an email.

The flap over the cover photo comes as prominent conservatives including Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh have attempted to raise questions about the 66-year-old Clinton's health ahead of her widely expected entry in the 2016 presidential election.

Spokespeople for Clinton did not respond to a request for comment on this story.

View the photo Valentino sent to Business Insider below.

hillary clinton people 2

Time Inc.

