scorecardPeople Who Dump Pay TV End Up Using 7X More Bandwidth Than Average
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People Who Dump Pay TV End Up Using 7X More Bandwidth Than Average

People Who Dump Pay TV End Up Using 7X More Bandwidth Than Average
Tech1 min read

People who are "cord cutters" are bandwidth hogs according to new data from Sandvine, via Re/Code. People who are looking at dumping paying for TV end up watching video through the internet which takes up a lot of bandwidth.

This is part of the conundrum for anyone hoping to disrupt the TV industry by creating a web-based video product. For the most part, the companies that own the pay-TV business also own the internet delivery business. If you stop paying for TV, they'll just raise their rates on the internet.

Chart by Statista.

Chart cord cutters bandwidth

Statista/Business Insider

