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Ukraine's LGBTQ+ soldiers are fighting for acceptance — and some say the war with Russia is helping

Thibault Spirlet,Rebecca Rommen   

Ukraine's LGBTQ+ soldiers are fighting for acceptance — and some say the war with Russia is helping
  • Ukrainian LGBTQ+ soldiers are fighting for acceptance on and off the battlefield.
  • Some told Business Insider about their experiences on the front lines and fighting for equality.

Pavlo Lagodya said he was outed as gay by his military comrades soon after joining the Ukrainian army in 2021.

He said someone in his unit came across notifications on his phone showing flirtatious messages between him and another man.

Before long, the 19-year-old was outed to his entire unit without his consent, he said.

He described being forced out of the closet as "the same fear" as being on the front line.

"When they don't accept you as gay, whether you're good or bad, that's the biggest test," he wrote on Instagram.

But two years later, Lagodya is an antiaircraft gunner and told Business Insider that progress toward LGBTQ+ acceptance was increasing.

Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 meant his comrades were starting to understand him and accept him, he said.

"The queer community is doing the same thing as the others for victory," he added.

Homosexuality is legal in Ukraine, but same-sex partnerships are not recognized by law.

Lagodya is one of many LGBTQ+ soldiers who have had Ukrainians rally behind them but have seen little political support for their rights.

Legal roadblocks

An online petition calling on the Ukrainian government to legalize same-sex marriage and give same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexual couples passed the 25,000 signatures required to trigger a presidential review.

But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy struck it down, saying that "the constitution of Ukraine may not be amended in the event of martial law or a state of emergency."

He added: "The government was developing options for legalizing registered civil partnerships in Ukraine."

After several attempts to introduce a bill to legalize same-sex unions were blocked, Inna Sovsun, a member of Ukraine's parliament, told BI that she and her team had figured out two ways legislation could pass.

One of them is if Zelenskyy supports the bill and urges committee members to submit it to a vote.

But the most likely solution is increased pressure from international partners — and the European Court of Human Rights has already sent a strong signal, Sovsun said.

The court ruled in June that Ukraine violated the rights of a same-sex couple.

"Now Ukraine has a legal obligation" to draft legislation on same-sex unions, Sovsun said.

Changing attitudes

Ivan Ivanov, 21, is another LGBTQ+ soldier, serving as a driver.

He told BI that his fellow soldiers "see him as their colleague serving in the trenches together and working together" and that it "doesn't matter who you sleep with."

But Ivanov's parents and sister struggled to understand his sexuality, he said.

Two life decisions changed everything for him — going to Kyiv and joining the army.

He found Kyiv to be a "city of freedom" after growing up in Odesa, while the army taught him to stay strong and believe in himself, bringing him a sense of peace, he added.

He said that after coming out to his military unit, his fellow soldiers shed some of the macho locker-room talk that had gone on before and stopped homophobic jokes, as they didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender American woman volunteering for the Ukrainian military, said her presence in the army was proof that Ukraine had become more inclusive.

She's a junior sergeant in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and was formerly a spokesperson for the Territorial Defense Forces.

"No one talked to me about being trans," Ashton-Cirillo said, adding that she would sleep with a headscarf every night because she didn't want her wig to come off.

Eventually, she said they asked her about the headscarf and told her: "You're in a war zone with us. You live with us. We don't give a fuck what's on your head."

That was the first and last time she discussed trans issues with them for six weeks, she said, and she now frequently appears on social media without a wig.

"I think me being so public and present creates a situation where it normalizes things," she added.

Support for equal rights among Ukrainians is rising across the nation, according to the Nash Svit Center, an LGBTQ+ human-rights nongovernmental organization.

A poll carried out for the NGO by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology found that 33.4% of Ukrainians surveyed in 2016 thought that LGBTQ+ people in the country should have the same rights as everyone else — this rose to 63.7% in 2022.

But when it comes to the right to same-sex registered partnerships, support remained low, at 23.6% — which still reflected a big rise from 4.8% in 2016.

Sovsun said she believed the introduction of her bill could change that figure even more but that because of continued political obstacles, she didn't think it would pass this year.

Maxim Potapovych, a spokesperson for LGBTIQ Military, a Ukrainian NGO, struck a more positive note, saying he believed that the surge in support for the LGBTQ+ community would be enough to get the bill over the line.

Potapovych said he had even noticed a shift in commanders' attitudes during the war.

They know they need to be supportive of LGBTQ+ communities to align with the European Union's values and avoid scandals in the military that could tarnish their reputation and affect Western weapon deliveries, he told BI.

A long road ahead

But not all soldiers have seen such a big shift in attitudes.

One soldier who wished to remain anonymous because he said the army would not allow him to speak publicly about his experience as a gay man in the military, told BI that he believed some Ukrainian military commanders "don't have the balls" to acknowledge the existence of LGBTQ+ soldiers in the armed forces.

The 39-year-old mortar-crew soldier said that while he thought soldiers had gradually become more tolerant, he still felt like he couldn't be himself around them.

"It's a subconscious thing that happens. I speak and walk differently," he said.

The soldier said he was anxious when he joined the military with his then-boyfriend at the start of Russia's invasion. While the couple didn't face physical aggression, he added, some soldiers refused to shake hands with them or simply ignored them.

"People did talk shit behind our backs," he said, adding that they quickly came to believe some soldiers were using them as an excuse to avoid going into battle, refusing to fight alongside them.

"Some refused to communicate with us because they don't want to be thought of as gay," he added.

But commanders don't have the "luxury" of rejecting people based on their sexual orientation because of low morale and declining numbers of Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefield, he said — so they included them in the unit.

Being a gay man in the military comes with a lot of responsibility and pressure, the soldier said.

"You are trying your best because if you're bad, they will judge all gay people," he said.

"My life would be a lot easier if I didn't have to fight Russians and homophobia in my own country," he added.

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