scorecardBloomberg spent 50 times as much as Biden in Virginia and still got demolished
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Bloomberg spent 50 times as much as Biden in Virginia and still got demolished

Eliza Relman   

Bloomberg spent 50 times as much as Biden in Virginia and still got demolished
PoliticsPolitics2 min read
Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg delivers remarks at a church service to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the "Bloody Sunday" march in Selma    Reuters
  • Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg spent $18 million on television and radio ads just in Virginia, but might not break the 15% threshold to win any statewide delegates.
  • Bloomberg came in a distant third in the commonwealth behind Biden, who dominated the state, and Sen. Bernie Sanders.
  • Bloomberg has already spent over half a billion dollars on his presidential bid - and $250 million on Tuesday's races alone.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Billionaire former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg spent $18 million on television and radio ads just in Virginia - about 50 times what former Vice President Joe Biden spent in the state - but might not win a single statewide delegate.

Bloomberg is on pace to finish a distant third in the commonwealth behind Biden, who dominated the state, and Sen. Bernie Sanders. But Biden and his supporters spent just about $360,000 in Virginia, Wall Street Journal reporter Julie Bykowicz pointed out.

Bloomberg, whose estimated worth is north of $60 billion, has already spent over half a billion dollars on his presidential bid - and a quarter of a billion on Tuesday's races alone.

Bloomberg officially entered the race on November 24, 2019 - nearly 11 months after some of his competitors - after Biden, the expected moderate frontrunner, underperformed in the first three primary contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

He has positioned himself as a centrist alternative to Biden and has repeatedly warned that nominating Sanders would spell disaster for Democrats.

Bloomberg skipped the first four contests of the race, opting instead to pour his resources into Super Tuesday's 16 primaries.

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