scorecardBiden aides briefed former Trump officials on the Chinese spy balloon intrusions the ex-president has claimed never happened
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Biden aides briefed former Trump officials on the Chinese spy balloon intrusions the ex-president has claimed never happened

Nicole Gaudiano   

Biden aides briefed former Trump officials on the Chinese spy balloon intrusions the ex-president has claimed never happened
PoliticsPolitics2 min read
Former President Donald Trump (left) and a suspected Chinese spy balloon before it was shot down off the coast of Garden City, South Carolina, on February 4, 2023.    Joe Raedle/Getty Images/Travis Huffstetler/Handout via Reuters
  • The Biden administration has briefed key former Trump administration officials on China's spy balloons.
  • An official said the balloons traversed US airspace while Trump was in office. He has denied that.

The Biden administration has briefed key former Trump administration officials on China's spy balloons, which an official said traversed US airspace while the ex-president was in office.

Donald Trump has said that never happened.

Former officials who received a briefing included former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe, former national security adviser Robert O'Brien, as well as former national security adviser John Bolton, NBC reported and a national intelligence director's office spokesperson confirmed for Insider.

The spokesperson did not immediately respond when asked whether Trump has or will receive a briefing.

The Biden administration discovered Chinese spy balloon incursions "at least on three occasions" during the Trump administration while carrying out a broad assessment of Chinese intelligence capabilities that Biden ordered when he first came into office, according to White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby.

China's high-altitude spy balloon program "was operating during the previous administration, but they did not detect it," Kirby said on Monday

"We detected it," he said. "We tracked it. And we have been carefully studying it to learn as much as we can."

Trump called that "disinformation" in an interview with Fox News Digital.

"It never happened with us under the Trump administration and if it did, we would have shot it down immediately," he said on Sunday.

The US military shot down a Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean on February 4, a week after it first entered US airspace, and has since downed three other unidentified objects that officials say may have been "benign."

Bolton tweeted on Wednesday that he remains "profoundly troubled" by the Biden administration's handling of the incidents after meeting with intelligence community officials for about an hour. He referenced "recent balloon/"object" incidents," but nothing from the Trump administration.

Ratcliffe tweeted that the briefing confirmed his prior statements "regarding the unprecedented, alarming scope and gravity of the Chinese spycraft incursion."

During a February 6 briefing, Kirby told reporters that the Chinese surveillance balloons transited US airspace "for brief periods of time" during the Trump administration.

It was "nothing at all" like what happened in recent weeks in terms of duration, Kirby said then.

Biden officials reached out to key officials from the Trump administration to offer briefings on the forensics they did.

"And we expressed our willingness to walk them through what we learned," he said then. "We did that in good faith."
