scorecardTrump's tweets have become increasingly impotent but his lies are getting bigger by the day
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Trump's tweets have become increasingly impotent but his lies are getting bigger by the day

John Haltiwanger   

Trump's tweets have become increasingly impotent but his lies are getting bigger by the day
PoliticsPolitics3 min read
President Donald Trump departs after speaking about the 2020 U.S. presidential election results in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, DC, November 5, 2020.    Carlos Barria/Reuters
  • President Donald Trump's lies-via-tweet have become more audacious since Election Day and his loss to President-elect Joe Biden.
  • Trump continues to push baseless claims that Democrats rigged the election, among other disinformation, as he refuses to concede.
  • But weeks have gone by and no evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities has been discovered, and the Trump campaign's legal challenges have resulted in multiple losses in court or failed to alter the outcome of the election in any states.
  • Trump's tweets are becoming increasingly impotent. He's yelling louder than ever, but fighting a losing battle.

President Donald Trump's tweets have never seemed more feeble and desperate than right now, even as his lies grow bigger by the day.

Throughout his presidency, Trump has wielded his Twitter account like a political sword. Trump's tweets have moved markets, put pressure on GOP lawmakers to bend to his will, and exacerbated a slew of domestic and global crises. But since his loss to President-elect Joe Biden in the 2020 election, Trump's tweets have become more and more impotent.

"Trump is becoming increasingly irrelevant," former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, a Democrat, tweeted on Monday.

"Yes, he still poses a threat and we must remain vigilant. But, for the most part, we can ignore his tweets and petty outbursts," Reich added.

"Trump and his tweets are already drifting into irrelevance," Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, tweeted on Sunday.

Biden also appears to be unfazed by Trump's barrage of tweets, describing the president's refusal to concede as more "embarrassing" for the US than debilitating to his ability to move forward with the transition process.

Though recent polling suggests many Republican voters have been swayed by Trump's baseless claims of mass voter fraud, no amount of all caps tweets falsely claiming the election was stolen will succeed in overturning the outcome.

America's democracy is far from infallible, but the US electoral process has proven to be a relatively immovable force when up against the relentless tide of Trump's disinformation. Trump may have eroded numerous democratic norms while president and research shows he's pushed the US in an autocratic direction, but he has not succeeded in killing American democracy itself.

There is absolutely no evidence to back-up Trump's unsubstantiated allegations that Democrats "rigged" the election against him.

The Department of Homeland Security last week released a statement calling the 2020 election the "most secure" in the nation's history.

Election officials across the country representing both major parties have fervently rejected the notion voter fraud or irregularities impacted the outcome of the election.

An international delegation invited by the Trump administration to observe the election applauded the way it was handled despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leaders across the globe, including major democracies and key US allies, have overwhelmingly accepted the results of the election and congratulated Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. This includes world leaders considered to be closely allied with Trump such as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Trump campaign's many legal challenges to the election results have resulted in multiple losses in court and so far failed to alter the outcome of the election in any states.

But Trump continues to carry on as if tweeting nonstop and escalating the scale of misinformation he spreads will change the result.

"I WON THE ELECTION. VOTER FRAUD ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!" Trump falsely declared to his nearly 89 million followers on Wednesday morning. Most of Trump's post-election tweets have been along the same lines — uniformly detached from reality.

Virtually every recent tweet from Trump has been flagged by Twitter for containing misleading information, including tweets that have attacked Republican officials who contradicted the president's groundless voter fraud claims.

Even as Trump's tweets increasingly fade into irrelevance, they do not come without consequences.

Americans are continuing to contract and die from COVID-19 at an alarming rate. Trump's time spent on Twitter spreading disinformation is time lost coordinating with Biden on how to mitigate the spread and distribute a vaccine.

And a recent study conducted by political science researchers from Stanford and five other universities found that exposure to Trump's tweets that undermine the legitimacy of the 2020 election "erodes trust and confidence in elections and increases belief that elections are rigged" among the president's supporters.

