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President Hamid Karzai Thinks The US Could Be Behind The Latest Taliban Bombings

President Hamid Karzai Thinks The US Could Be Behind The Latest Taliban Bombings
DefenseDefense1 min read



Afghan president Hamid Karzai

To say nothing of false flag attack conspiracies, President Hamid Karzai recently jumped on the bandwagon with the most absurd one of all: recent Taliban bombings in Afghanistan were a result of American influence.

"In fact those bombs, set off yesterday in the name of the Taliban, were in the service of Americans to keep foreigners longer in Afghanistan," said Karzai in a speech, referring to a bomb blast in Kabul and one in Khost city the day of Hagel's arrival. Karzai's logic here is that more attacks would indicate a larger necessity for U.S. presence.

Already we can see what sort of job Chuck Hagel has cut out for him.

The new defense secretary, in response, seemed literally to chaff at the collar.

From a Reuters report:

Hagel appeared at pains to be respectful of Karzai and avoid sharp criticism, but he told reporters that any collusion between the U.S. and the Taliban "wouldn't make a lot of sense."

Hagel's first visit to a war he's been tapped to end is not only marred by an uptick in American deaths, and the specter of impending defense cuts, now he needs to mitigate a president who is willing to believe things one might only find in the underbelly of the Internet.

