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'Prisoners' Steals Away The Competition - Here's Your Box-Office Roundup

'Prisoners' Steals Away The Competition - Here's Your Box-Office Roundup
EntertainmentEntertainment2 min read

hugh jackman prisoners

Wilson Webb / Alcon Entertainment via Warner Bros.

Hugh Jackman's gut-wrenching action thriller "Prisoners" easily won the box office this weekend.

With Ron Howard's car-racing film "Rush" making its wide release this Friday and a poorly-received dancing flick out this weekend, the only real competition for the Warner Bros. movie came from horror scare sequel "Insidious 2."

While the Film District movie packed a punch opening weekend, it failed to catch on with word of mouth this weekend.

Out of the top ten this week is "One Direction: This Is Us." The boyband concert film which has earned $62 million worldwide has been on a downward track since it's opening a month ago.

Matt Damon's futuristic "Elysium" and "Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters" also end their seven-week run at the top of the box office.

Here are this week's winners and losers in Hollywood:

10. Disney's "Cars" spinoff "Planes" rounds out the top ten with $2.9 million. The $50 million animated film has made $155 million worldwide.

9. Warner Bros.' re-release of "The Wizard of Oz" in 3D and IMAX drew in $3 million. The film is celebrating it's 75th anniversary this year.

8. Universal's "Riddick" sequel featuring Vin Diesel dropped five spots after three weeks earning $3.6 million. The film has now made $74 million, the least of all the series' films.

7. Weinstein's "Lee Daniels' The Butler" takes in another $4.3 million. The historical film featuring Forest Whitaker and Oprah has earned $109 million worldwide.

6. Surprise comedy hit "We're the Millers" is still going strong in week seven with another $4.7 million. Jennifer Aniston's return to the big screen has earned a huge $222 million worldwide.

5. Sony Gem's "Battle of the Year" dance film opened to a slow start with $5 million. The film, starring Chris Brown and Josh Holloway ("Lost"), cost an estimated $20 million to produce. To be fair, whether or not it was because of Brown and his trouble with the law, there wasn't a lot of marketing for the dance film. However, the flick could have benefitted from showcasing it's "Lost" star Holloway.

4. Lionsgate indie flick "Instructions Not Included" continues to do well in its fourth week with $5.7 million. The dramedy about a Mexican playboy raising a daughter alone has been doing increasingly well at the box office each weekend. So far, the film has made $34 million.

3. Robert De Niro's mafia movie "The Family" fell more than 50% this week earning $7 million. The Relativity film cost an estimated $30 million.

2. The horror success of last weekend "Insidious Chapter 2" falls hard in week two with $14.5 million. The Film District movie debuted to a huge $40 million so that's a big drop in week two. With a $65 million haul so far, the sequel is a huge success considering it was made on a $5 million budget.

1. Hugh Jackman's thriller "Prisoners" had little competition this weekend earning $21 million. The film received rave initial reviews saying this was Jackson's best performance of his life. "Prisoners" still has a way to go to hit its $46 million budget. After seeing the film this weekend, word of mouth should help the film pick up in the weeks to come.

