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Rand Paul Just Won The First Big Straw Poll Of 2016

Rand Paul Just Won The First Big Straw Poll Of 2016
PoliticsPolitics1 min read

rand paul


National Harbor, Md. — Kentucky Senator Rand Paul won the straw poll at Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday, narrowly beating out Sen. Marco Rubio, 25 percent to 23 percent.

Paul's win is perhaps unsurprising, given the strong showing of libertarians and young Paul supporters at this year's conservative confab. Paul's father, Ron Paul, was also a favorite in past CPAC straw polls, winning the survey in 2010 and 2011.

To be sure, the CPAC straw poll has never been a good predictor for the Republican presidential nomination. Besides Paul, other past winners include Rudy Giuliani, Steve Forbes, and Jack Kemp — all of whom performed terribly in the GOP primaries. But it does provide a snapshot glimpse

The narrow gap between Paul and Rubio underscores the deep divide between libertarian conservatives and the GOP's hawkish Establishment, and reveals the ascent of the so-called Liberty Movement within the Republican Party.

Significantly, 50 percent of poll respondents said they believed the U.S. should downsize its role in the world, and 77 percent said their chief goal was promoting individual freedom by reducing government intrusion. Fifty-two percent of the voters in the straw poll were between the ages of 18 and 25.

Paul and Rubio were far ahead of the rest of the crowded straw poll field, which included 23 potential 2016 contenders, and allowed for write-in candidates. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum came in third with 8 percent, followed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — who was not invited to appear at CPAC — with 7 percent.

Here's the rest of the top 10: House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (6 percent); Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (5 percent); Dr. Ben Carson (4 percent); Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (4 percent); Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (3 percent); and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (3 percent).

