scorecardRANKED: The 10 worst movies to win the best picture Oscar - and what should have won
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RANKED: The 10 worst movies to win the best picture Oscar - and what should have won

RANKED: The 10 worst movies to win the best picture Oscar - and what should have won
EntertainmentEntertainment1 min read
"Argo."    Warner Brothers

Winning the best picture Oscar at the Academy Awards doesn't just say that a movie is regarded by Hollywood as the top achievement in the medium for the year; it cements a movie with past winners that have gone on to become classics such as "The Godfather," "Lawrence of Arabia," and "On the Waterfront."

But the Academy voters don't always get it right. Tucked away in the 89 years of Oscar ceremonies are best picture winners that quickly vanish from the zeitgeist, never to be heard from again. That's often because they weren't as good as originally thought.

Here we look back on the 10 most disappointing best picture winners and choose the nominees that should have won:

