scorecardReport: Alex Rodriguez Is Backing Down, Negotiating A Deal To Avoid A Lifetime Ban
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Report: Alex Rodriguez Is Backing Down, Negotiating A Deal To Avoid A Lifetime Ban

Report: Alex Rodriguez Is Backing Down, Negotiating A Deal To Avoid A Lifetime Ban
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Alex Rodriguez

Getty Images

Alex Rodriguez.

After reports surfaced that Major League Baseball was prepared to give Alex Rodriguez a lifetime ban, his representatives and the league are negotiating a settlement, TJ Quinn of ESPN's Outside The Lines reports.

There are no hard numbers yet, but Quinn says MLB hopes that A-Rod will agree to sit out this year and at least all of next year without appealing the decision.

This is a significant development.

As recently as this afternoon, Rodriguez's representatives have said he'll appeal any penalty.

MLB has gone to great lengths to avoid any scenario where he would be able to be play while he appealed, hence the stalemate we've seen over the last week or so.

Rodriguez is one of the players connected to Biogenesis — a Miami-based clinic that is believed to have distributed performance drugs.

Ryan Braun was suspended for 65 games for his involvement, and the other players connected to the clinic will reportedly be suspended for 50 games, USA Today reports.

