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See How An Architect Made His 78-Square-Foot 'Micro Apartment' Completely Livable

See How An Architect Made His 78-Square-Foot 'Micro Apartment' Completely Livable
LifeThelife2 min read

Luke Clark Tyler is living small.

The New York City contract architect rents a 78-square-foot shoebox studio for $750 a month in Hell's Kitchen, according to Inhabitat. The tiny apartment includes a bed that flips into a couch, a mini-fridge, work desk, and a cabinet where he keeps his personal belongings.

Sustainability reference website faircompanies recently documented Tyler's living conditions. In the video, he goes through his studio, explaining his day-to-day life in the minuscule apartment.

Using plywood and paint from Home Depot, Tyler built his own bed, which converts into a couch when flipped open. He said all the materials only cost him $170.

It doesn't leave much leg space, but he jokes to faircompanies, "I just use it as an excuse not to buy an ottoman because... I can just prop my feet right up on the wall."

He keeps his microwave, printer, clothes, dishes, books, toiletries and cleaning supplies in a large built-in cabinet.

He says in the video, "If I do want to get something else, I have to be very careful. I have to say, well, what can I get rid of?"

His kitchen consists of a mini-fridge located under his work desk. (Did we mention that Tyler also works from home?)

Tyler shares a bathroom with three neighbors on his floor. He heads right across the hall to use the sink to make tea.

Tyler doesn't see living small as a sacrifice and is happy in what he dubs his "Midtown Mansion."

"I was living in Kenya in a place half the size of this that was made of mud. So for me, this is like a big step up," he says in the video. "I guess it's all relative, but for me this is comfortable. Maybe one day I'll have a bigger place, but for now it's good."

And check out the full video below:

