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5 sentences millionaires and successful people always say

Never give up

5 sentences millionaires and successful people always say
Slideshows1 min read

Ask yourself what you believe in

Ask yourself what you believe in
Follow what you believe in and everything will follow. If you believe, you will always make right decisions. “Your beliefs really determine what you manifest in your life,” said Oprah Winfrey once.

Always push forward

Always push forward
Never settle and always keep pushing forward. You have to push your limits and tell yourself nothing is impossible. Test your limits, give yourself multiple tasks and move ahead.

You’ve got to listen

You’ve got to listen
Rich and successful people are good listeners. They absorb everything and listen very carefully. They listen and don’t become impulsive. They analyse things and then take a decision. Learn to really listen to others. Do twice as much listening as talking and practice listening until it becomes effortless.

Don’t personalize failure

Don’t personalize failure
It’s okay to fail at time. We as humans make errors and you tend to fail. Don’t take it by heart. Learn from your failures and move on. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear.
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