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I spent a day taking photos with the iPhone XS Max - and it's hard not to be impressed with what this thing can do

Here's the lake at Central Park. It captured the fall colors well, and overall, it's pretty sharp — check out those people in a rowboat on the left.

I spent a day taking photos with the iPhone XS Max - and it's hard not to be impressed with what this thing can do
Slideshows1 min read

I was impressed by how the phone performed in the shade.

I was impressed by how the phone performed in the shade.

It was a nice sunny day when I captured this photo, but we were walking underneath a canopy of trees, and it wasn't particularly bright on this path. Still, I was impressed by how the XS Max performed.

I really love the colors in this photo, which are bright, inviting, and warm. And even though I tend to find iPhone photos too sepia-tinged on the last few phones, I felt the colors here looked very true to life.

Time for a little portrait mode. In the past, I haven't been wildly impressed by the iPhone's portrait mode. But here, it blew me away.

Time for a little portrait mode. In the past, I haven

In the past, I've always been a little underwhelmed by portrait mode on the iPhone. It often has strange quirks and flaws, like cutting off someone's hair or blurring a finger or two.

But with the iPhone XS Max, Apple made some improvements to portrait mode that made the feature very impressive.

Not only are the colors beautiful, but the background blur looks amazing. The camera only really struggled when it came to his glasses, but correctly figuring out how to handle a pair of clear lenses is, understandably, difficult.

Usually, hair is a little tricky for the phone's technology to cut around, but in this case, it succeeds nearly flawlessly.

I can't imagine that portrait mode will ever be in the same league as a real camera, and I generally prefer portrait mode on Google's Pixel phones. But if this photo is any indication, the iPhone's portrait mode feature has come a long way.

Here's a pretty idyllic shot, captured later in the afternoon. Even though the sun was getting lower in the sky and casting a lot of shadows, the camera performed well.


I was impressed with how much detail was captured in the shadows. The leaves in the foreground are defined, and you can even make out a few faces even though it wasn't very bright outside.

Apple said action shots would be better on the iPhone XS, and in this case, I have to agree. The horse wasn't moving very fast, but the camera still nicely captured the moment without any blur.

This isn't the best photo in the world — thanks to the Instagrammers in the background — but I wanted to share this golden-hour shot solely for the colors. Look at them!

This isn

It doesn't hurt that this photo was captured at the most beautiful time of day in the most beautiful place in New York City. Nonetheless, I was bowled over by the colors here.

The leaves in the upper-right corner are super vibrant, and all the leaves around his feet are orange-y and gorgeous. Even the woman in the background's red sweater looks bright and warm.

If you're planning to capture photos of fall foliage, you're going to want to do it with the iPhone XS.

At the end of the day, I was able to find the Mandarin duck — which was also the perfect excuse to test the camera's optical zoom.

At the end of the day, I was able to find the Mandarin duck — which was also the perfect excuse to test the camera

The iPhone XS has 2X optical zoom and 10X digital zoom. Optical zoom is generally considered superior to digital zoom, because it works just like a regular zoom lens on a camera, meaning it retains more quality and helps your photos look less pixelated or blurry.

This worked great when I was trying to capture a nice photo of the famous duck swimming around the pond at Central Park. I got as close as I could, but looking at the photo above, you'd think I was only a few feet away.

I don't use zoom very often, but if I needed to zoom in a bit to capture a nice photo, I'd trust the iPhone XS to do it well.

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